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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sweet Nothing in my ear

Sweet Nothing in my ear...

One time watch arent really missing a lot if you dont watch it..but well it isnt a bad watch...
Its a story about a family where the wife and the son are deaf and the husband is normal. The husband...(the speed and 101 dalmations guy) wants to give his son an implant so he can hear..or atleast try. The wife having been deaf all her life does not think it is necessary and feels that it is important to accept the boy as he is rather than making him something else.
The movie ends kinda abruptly. There is a legal hearing and all that where the parents fight over the custody of their child and the father of the woman talks about "Deaf Pride", an interesting concept, which is a kind of pride you develop because you live your life deaf, more so when you are born deaf. 
There was this one question that came to my head...
If I ever had to, which sense would I give up?

I asked my sister this and she said it would probably have to be the sense of smell as she feels that is the sense she uses the least. She also went on to tell me that there are  people who are born without the sense of smell, I forgot the word she used for them...ok hold on...I 'll google it...Anosmia...thats the word...
Anyhow, I thought about it, I don't really know what I would give up. 
I thought about how it would feel to not feel ie the sense of touch. It will be bad I think. 
Hearing definitely not even considering, would not know what to do without being able to hear.
Eyesight I think is very important to me too, cos most of what I am is what I see.
Smell, for some reason I think that is also very important. I know I don't really use it much but i don't think I wanna give it up.
Taste, oh man...I am the kind who lives to eat. I'd rather be dead than lose that sense. 

Well, i guess it would have to be smell in my case too. I don't think I have ever really used this sense properly. So. I dont know how important it is. 
The downside would be when someone tries to kill me with some poisonous gas and assuming that the gas would have some kinda odour, I wouldn't know that i was gonna die and hence inhale it all the more and probably be the first one to die...
Ah well, what are the odds of that happening....
So, Smell it is...

Making a choice is really difficult in life I think. Especially when you want all of it. Its not that we are being greedy by keeping all of it, just that we feel it is all necessary. Necessary for us to exist. Or is it just a feeling in your head?
Think about it...

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