As a kid, I used to play with my "building friends" all the time below my building...It was a big event in my life...And the worst days were when mom dint let me go.. :( ...And that happened if I had not done my home work or u know made the bed or something like dat..the usual things kids don't like to do...
Inventing games was the other thing....It was a new weird game everyday....if one day it was bout asking a bear to tell time...the next day it was about asking the crocodile what his favourite color was....and how can i forget the good old uma joshi and ham cheese burger... :)...i will admit that it took me a little growing up to figure out that the first word was ham.. :)
Business Move, Ludo, Snakes n Ladders, Purchasee...or i think that was what it was called...along with Scotland Yard n of course..Scrabble, Carom, Chess n Cards were the next stage...I soon found out that Business move was actually a rip off of Monopoly...These games kept me busy a lot...And my cousins...were really good at them...and my my..I still remember some of the freaky tricks they used to pull on poor unsuspecting me and sister... :)
As time passed, the games arena was restricted to good ol' scrabble, tic tacs, the usual name place animal thing game and the like...Uno and a few other weird looking card games caught on...And the std chess and carom was always there...wherever we went...Most of the games we replaced by games on the pc...Age of Empires and Age of Mythology were huge hits with my family and even I remember spending hours in front of it frantically typing cheat codes and trying to increase my gold and food and upgrade to a new age...phew..some work it was...
Then of course the racing games..Midtown and Need For speed...I was never really good at either...but well...It was always fun to keep trying till u finally defeat the bots...I never really played the racing games with live players on the LAN...Then when I started working..I discovered the joy of killing through Counter Strike..Again I was not good at it...but well..I used to play it nonetheless and be happy that I came in second last as opposed to last...and if we were playing in teams..which is how we mostly was even better...cos a personal defeat was not as important as a team victory...And then there were the weird games which I watch a certain someone play all the time...Grand Theft Auto Vice City..that game just never made sense to me...I tried playing it a couple of times...but well...hookers, gambling, theft,hit and run and in the end finding some thing hidden somewhere for some freaking points....din't make much sense to me...a very unethical game if I may say so...and there was the flight Simulation which I watched him play was almost like he was landing the plane then and there...and that look of intense concentration...little did I know how much he enjoyed it and how badly he really wanted to fly something...
Wolf 3D deserves a mention here...with the freaky Nazi symbols plastered all was a weird game...and Quake too...again I used to play it multi player..and never really played it well...but it was fun to watch the pros go at it...
Amidst all the animation and all the freaky fighting, 4 games always stood out...Minesweeper, Hearts, Solitaire and Free cell...the last one I still do not know how to play....
Minesweeper is a mind boggling game....It took me a while to figure out how to play it...but when I finally did I was hooked...sadly my sister saw me breaking my head at it...and she being smarter than me(Yes, I have accepted it)..beat all my scores in all the levels and even today I cannot beat her scores....
Hearts, I enjoy playing...though I am yet to devise a strategy in the game....Solitaire and Free Cell are my moma's forte....and DX Ball and Yahoo! Literati too....I dont even dare to try and carve a niche there...too much of a challenge!!
I have just mentioned the popular ones here..but there were and still are a ton of games I still play whenever I can...But if you've noticed in what I've been typing for so long...all the games have been designed by someone else...and you just gotta play it...
I have not taken an extra effort for any of them...other than maybe installing them and cracking some of them...there was/is no need to think or create like in the old days...where we had to figure out a new game to pay each day...something new...for every evening...
That feeling I think is what makes the game I played today special...It's not that me or my sister invented it today....We've been playing it for a while now...And we played it today once again...and it was Sooooooo much Fun....
Well let me not keep u in suspense...It is a game which is all about guessing the name of the song and the artist...
It started off as a game we played only when the power would go off or there was nothing else to do...but today, we played it for a really long time...and using different media too...
We played it on all the songs in my sister's phone first...then we moved onto my ipod...connected to the laptop..and we managed to keep a tab on the tv too was so much fun I tell you... :)
The number of songs on my iPod are like 5000+ and well...I will be honest here and tell you that I do not know all of them...forget all, I think I know only about a 1000 max(I'm secretly hoping the number will be more.. :) )
I remember playing the same game on tv with a friend of mine for a whole night...and yes the phone bill was his head ache...I never really ever have the credit to call anyone on my phone...but the game was so much fun...
So let me talk about today's game...
We started off with a lot of tracks on my sister's phone...most of them were our common favourites...oh did i forget to mention that our taste in music is pretty similar...
Well...the songs were a mix of a lot of bands and lot of artists...a good collection but it had a lot of Aerosmith and a U2 too( a lil bit gay if u ask me!).. :)...if u are wondering..yes I told her that on her face...but then there are a lot of good songs there too... :)
Moving onto the iPod...first we played my jog tracks...the crazy cheapo songs...which otherwise I probably wouldn't be caught dead listening to....We played all of them and sang loudly and she got points if the song was right with the artist...and so did I.. :)...and saying "In your Face" was the icing on top of the
Vh1 showed us a good time too...they played some good music in the middle...A track by then and now..and it took me a hell lotta time to figure out that it was them...but I finally did..and that too I think it was because I saw it the day before... I am not a big Jet fan..mostly cos I don't have a lot of their music...the one song I have, I think its fabulous...
There was a moment when we felt real bad too...Sign of the cross played...and damn..neither of us could get it...That was not too cool.....anything else...but how is it we dint get Maiden... :'(
The fun thing about this game is that my memory is real weak...well we discussed it(me n sis)..and we have concluded that its a part of my brain not working properly...I never get the name of a song...I know the whole damn song...I can SAY the tune...and I can even sing the whole damn song...but I wont get the name till the chorus comes and the name comes at least once in the sad is that...but if u try it...its a hell lotta fun... :)
My sister on the other hand has a very very good memory and she can just remember things right away....the only good thing being that I have Jackie to myself and hence well have heard and seen a little more than she has... :)
So that was my fun game...and I enjoyed it a lot...and the whole afternoon i was listening to songs and wondering why the RUSH vocalist sounded many times like a
And oh man...the Glam bands....they just confuse me so bad...I don't listen to a lot of them...but well I always thought I could tell the difference...but...hmm...doesn't look like I am too good at that either...Van Halen sounded so much like Motley Crue which sounded crazily like Cinderella and Def Lepard was exactly like Bon Jovi for some reason...and vice versa...and I think I called Dire straits and Mark Knopfler...Frank Sinatra so many was just hilarious..
And finally when we thought it was actually a Sinatra song...It turned out to be Jim Reeves...and yes Gary Moore came up like a number of times and Moby and Gary are Aru's favs now...hahaha...(I love saying that)
Chris Cornell has his ways of sticking in my it Soundgarden or Audioslave...there is very less chance anyone will make a mistake there....
Anyhow...U shud all try this game...Its a real fun game and well...kinda gets you all charged up...
So do play and tell me if u enjoyed it... :)
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