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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I am an addict..I confess...

In my head....
Its been half an hour since this lunch is on..As awesome as it is...I just wish I could get my hands on her...Oh man..I think I am breaking leg is shaking violently...My mind wandering...I cannot see clearly....I feel sad now...I just wish...If i had known it would take this long to go back...I would have done some more...My mind is screwed...All i see are images and words...flying all around me....ahh...I can go now...finally....oh sister's taken over...I never thought I ll have to fight her...and in this condition..I wonder if I'll manage to put an argument like this...I have to try nonetheless....
Hey Aru....Moma's calling u...she needs ur help in the kitchen....
Aha...Finally... :)

I feel so good....You have no idea....I know its a little too much these days...but I tell u...its not in my control....I have tried to sleep..but the worst thing is...I cant even do that...I feel the need to be sitting here and TWEETING....
yes...I think I am officially a twitter addict now....

I saw myself going down this lane when I started going to college and realised that there was a ban on twitter there....the first thing I did as soon as I got my net connection on the laptop was to find some way to break the firewall...and to be frank I think I briefly did manage for a installing a plugin in mozilla....but alas my happiness was short lived for my tweets once again stopped going through...I remember the Economics lecture where I thought I was tweeting by typing into the address bar.. happily and full of glee...thinking that my twitter page was being flooded with my tweets...only to find out in the evening that none of it showed up...I wonder if they got lost poor little babies...mama still loves you...
Maybe I shud stop with the insane behaviour now... :)

So yes...twitter is definitely huge....
I don't know how I din't see it for so long....Its everything in 140....the a pritish nandy article in the morning...and he was also so totally blown away by Twitter's ability to bring back brevity in communication....
Its just not that for me...
For the first time in my life...I know without making much effort...that there was a bomb blast in Athens and there was an earthquake in Jakarta and that dozens of buildings collapsing there...along with the fact that the AP Chief minister's chopper got lost for a while in the middle...all of this just shows up on my cool is that....
people who know me know by now that I dont follow NeWS with great interest...unless maybe when my moma or dada ask me if I know this this thing has happened in this this place of the world....
Its not that I dont like reading...I do...Its just reading the news paper everyday...and all the sad news in it....and I mean news that makes u sad...the rapes and the murders...and the accidents...I dont really like looking at all of that....
Fortunately for me....the people I am following so far dont post gruesome details in their tweets.... 
This link totally blew me away... 
They have decided to introduce twitter as a subject..I think it should win idea of the day...

What people don't realize about Social Media is the amount of information which is lying out there...sometimes in your face..and you just don't care enough to make an effort to know more....
Be it a person, a course, an institution, a product, a review on a book....whatever the hell....information today is all about getting it from someone else's head...not from a book or anyplace else...Its all on blogs and reviews and first hand experiences...
All u have to do is GOOGLE it...I am not gonna say much about the paper I wrote about them is enough I think....mostly from the Google Story...I love the Google boys and what they have done with the world and how easy they have made everything...And the best strategy ever....Give it away for free.....It takes genius to come up with strategy like that....Make a product so compelling people have to use it whether they like it or not...
There was a Gmail failure yesterday for a while...the world seemed to have stopped all of a sudden for a lot of people....There were Tweets all over everywhere....about what 5 things to do when google is down...and the agony and distress I could feel all the way here on my chair when someone said they lost a lot of their business today...
And then the reason as to why it failed....they say it was some maintenance issue....some servers were down or something and they tried to reroute the traffic but dint succeed so well....and this happened even though google is said to have a highly layered structure....
Enough about Google....
Another new place I found is ......very nice place....mostly cos I follow it on twitter....Singletilldeath and are two new fun places I cos of my friend..who I think found it on twitter as well...
So be it Miley Cyrus wondering why she isn't sleepy...or Gul Panag wondering when she is going to get to Delhi or Barkha Dutt giving her personal take on Anand Jon....its all there right in my face...
Wasn't I talking about how to use social media effectively??...Yea..I was...I ll get back to that...
Just a random want to find out a few details about this new "friend" of yours...
Just do a little bit of random snooping....see what kinda person they are and all...
Well...first you could try Facebook...cos its the "in" this seems to have beaten poor old Orkut in the race...but FB people are smart...they are ahead today cos they arent making the same mistakes that Orkut made....
Well...So FB might not do u too much good...but then u cud check out the person's ever changing status messages and the things the person has become a fan of off late and check the wall and get a brief idea about things...
The thing everyone forgets it...anyone who is FB savvy already has an Orkut account....So now you go to Orkut and check out the person's account info..and yes...Orkut is much more informative...Its less bothered about the privacy part...or rather since most of us have stopped using it...we have forgotten that we are lying out there naked somewhere and now even though there is an option to lock the profile..most of us don't bother to do it...
So I go to the once cherished Testimonials....and check all of what people have to say about the person....Hmmm...not too satisfied...So now the communities...aha...remember that one night u were really bored and not sleepy and you kept joining all the communities of all the things u liked....yes....That's gonna help me a I know what kinda music u like...whether u are tech savvy or not...which school u are from...and that gives me a good idea as to where u live and well..common connections and what ur favourite colour and cartoon character are...
So tomo when I meet the person...I am either gonna have a lot in common with the person...or be able to totally avoid the person... :)
Ah....I wonder if anyone can relate this to Peter Keating (Fountainhead) having a meeting one morning with some ceramic(or cud have been Art) connoisseur(I read it a long long time back) and he spends the whole night reading up on that the next day he can look intelligent and strike a good conversation with the guy...
Well well....It is very easy to be a second rater today..As much as we all aspire to be Howard Roarks and Dagny Taggarts and yes let me not leave out Domnique Francons....Face it people...even becoming a Peter Keating or an Elseworth Toohey these days is good enough to help u go places...and well don't misunderstand my saying that about a person's far as I am concerned...characterwise...people have to be top notch..thats not something u read up on....I mean talent...knowledge wise....
So I hope I have managed to convey what I am trying to say here....How easy everything easy it is to get information on anything....topics...yes everyone knows...Google it...or Wiki it...but people too....and well Let me now forget about LinkedIn...which will give you a hell lot of info on what the person has been doing and since when and for how long and who are the contacts he has....and Twitter of course to know his mind....So well...I think we ve covered all ground..haven't we....oh yea...let's not forget places like Shelfari and the like where you get to know in detail about the person's reading habits or maybe picassa and youtube subscriptions through which you can pretty much cover the whole personality...
Talk about a new kinda study..Web 2.0 given rise to a new kinda ethnographic environment to study a person on.... :)
So this is how available I am...on the net all over...everywhere as a devilskidd....
Oh how could I forget Stumble in all amazing world in itself...the sites that u find there and your likes or dislikes can totally blow you away....and can give a lot of u away too.... :)
And needless to say your blog site is a big give away...but isn't that where you intentionally give a lot of yourself away.. :)
I do not know if I have made my point about the way you are available....and the ways in which I can find out all about you...
but I am sure I have convinced you about one thing...and that is that I am an ADDICT and maybe good ol twitter is just the beginning of my worries!!
Is this the only addiction in the world which can be deemed healthy?...Do let me know what u think about it... :)

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